Unique earplugs for kids
Hearing protection for kids
Listening to music right in front of the speakers, having fun in the swimming pool or drawing with full concentration. Small children play and learn every day. Unfortunately, one in eight kids su¬ ers permanent hearing loss. The reason for this is that children are extra sensitive to noise. To this end, Alpine has developed Pluggies Kids earplugs for children between the age of three and twelve. These multifunctional hearing protectors can be used for multiple applications. They absorb too loud ambient noise, prevent water from penetrating the ear, improve the concentration and prevent ear pain while ying. An all in one earplug for kids!
Revolutionary earplug model
Twenty years of experience have allowed Alpine to develop a revolutionary new earplug model with a noise fillter, that filters out damaging sounds. The extremely well thought-out and extensively tested shape of the earplugs provides a great fit.
AlpineAcousticFilters – More fun for your kid
Pluggies Kids earplugs come with special AlpineAcousticFilters. These fillters absorb the noise to a maximum extent, but allow the child to hear plenty of sounds around it. This prevents it from feeling disconnected and allows it to hear conversations.
Pluggies Kids earplugs control the harmful pressure on the ear drums when airplanes take o¬ and land. The filters act as a valve and realize a gradual and constant pressure balance between the outside world and the mid ear. This gives the Eustachian tube suffcient time to adapt to the di-fferences in pressure.
AlpineThermoShape material
Alpine Pluggies Kids are made of special AlpineThermoShape material developed by Alpine. This material takes on the shape of the ear, so the earplugs fit the earcanal perfectly. This allows children to wear these hearing protectors with great pleasure. In the bathtub, on a plane, in class at school or during drumming lessons. ATS does not contain any silicone, is hypoallergenic and does not cause any allergic reactions.
Alpine Stickers
Each Pluggies Kids package contains six fun name stickers, with which they can decorate and personalize their little Pluggies Kids case!
Packaging content:
Two small universal thermoplastic hearing protectors
Two acoustic fillters
Alpine Stickers
Plastic carrying case
Alpine insertion sleeve